Swans Commentary: Letters to the Editor - letter282



Letters to the Editor

(January 26, 2015)


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Welcome back Swans!

To the Editor:

Dear Gilles & Jan,

For the past several months, every fortnight, like clock-work, I would access Swans to see if it has been updated. The essays you post on Swans are thought-provoking and discerning, not to mention heart-warming. I have been reading up since a "knight" introduced me to it very many years ago.

I could say very many words of encouragement but none that you haven't heard before hence all I will say is that you work provides solace to very many people around the world, thank you.

Best regards, and I am sure 2015 will be a better year for All.

Sapna Mansukhani
Dubai - January 26, 2015


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Published June 30, 2014
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