FUNDRAISING DRIVE: Thanks to the generosity of Charles Pearson, Beverly Holley & Phil Fine, Gregory Elich, and Richard Brand we've almost reached our fundraising goal of $4,000, which will allow us to keep Swans afloat next year. We are still short about $157. Keep in mind that any money we receive over $4,000 will be rolled over to 2012 -- same as we did last year. We aren't greedy! So, one last push, good people... Donate now! Thank you. In solidarity, Jan Baughman & Gilles d'Aymery.
The long-running circus leading up to the 2012 US presidential elections has taught us one thing for sure: money can't buy everything; certainly not ethics, compassion, nor integrity. Herman Cain's out; Donald Trump's about to become the ring leader; and the top billing may actually go to the biggest clown of them all, Newt Gingrich! None of the candidates even compares to the character of Danielle Mitterrand, who's recent death saddens Gilles d'Aymery, who one day met the inspiring woman and deeply internalized her simple words of advice -- words that have long been absent from the agenda of our self-serving neoliberal leaders. It's no wonder that there's not a single candidate campaigning on behalf of the environment, so our Editor lends a voice to the scarce water and the dying trees, especially the endangered majestic plane trees that line France's Canal du Midi. And with the Occupy movement heading toward extinction, Manuel García, Jr. offers some procedural suggestions to spur OWS insurgents' thinking about meeting the challenge of organizing social change. Meanwhile, Michael Barker continues his analysis of eugenics and the ruling class's ongoing commitment to its goals in the zero-sum game of their enrichment.
In the culture corner, Peter Byrne reviews Jonah Raskin's latest book, Marijuanaland, Dispatches From An American War, which explores the relationship between growers, their communities, and law enforcement in the Emerald Triangle of Northern California. Another popular pastime, football, is the subject of Kazue Daikoku, who examines the cultural aspects of the most beloved international sport. From the French Corner, Christian Cottard introduces us to singer Allain Leprest, who died in August but whose poetic words live on. Simone Alié-Daram shares a verse on our cultural heritage, while Marie Rennard discovered a poem written by her mother, who recently passed away, on all she wanted to do before growing old. Marie also translated an article by Richard Beard on the grueling realities of writing and publishing a book. Raju Peddada's poem renders clever social commentary on 21st century politics, while Guido Monte and Silvia Dello Russo try to describe the explosive and airy sense of poetic and linguistic blending in the search for our collective roots and feelings. We close with your letters and an appeal to help us cross the finish line in our annual fundraiser.
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Gilles d'Aymery: Blips #118
A few selected issues that landed on the Editor's desk, from the sad death of Danielle Mitterrand, a fierce defender of human dignity; the much ignored issue of water scarcity; to the sad death of majestic plane trees lining the Canal du Midi, and other issues the policy makers continue to ignore. More...
Manuel García, Jr.: What Next For OWS, Politics?
Procedural suggestions offered to spur OWS insurgents' thinking about meeting the challenge of organizing social change: Occupy America. More...
Michael Barker: Eugenic Propaganda, Old And New (Part I of II)
Part I of a critical examination of the history of the American Eugenic Society. More...
Peter Byrne: Love Letter To Mary Jane
A review of Jonah Raskin's latest book, Marijuanaland, Dispatches From An American War. More...
Kazue Daikoku: Football: Seeing From Cultural Aspects
The author celebrates the simplicity and unity of the world's most popular sport, football. More...
Christian Cottard: Les deux ailes envolées d'Allain Leprest
On revient sur les textes d'Allain Leprest, ce grand chanteur qui vient de mourir. More...
Simone Alié-Daram: Actualités en 6-12
Poème sur notre héritage culturel : "nous avons tous en nous un bout de Parthénon." More...
Gabrielle Capirone: Avant que d'être vieille
Poème sur l'existence et le temps de vivre et de donner. More...
Richard Beard, traduit par Marie Rennard: Publies et sois maudit
Peu d'écrivains contemporains peuvent être assimilés à des marques, leur assurant d'être lus chat en poche. Qu'est ce qui pousse la cohorte des autres à continuer à écrire ? La réponse de Richard Beard. More...
Raju Peddada: The Stoop Of The 21st Century
A clever and poetic social commentary on the 21st century politics. More...
Guido Monte & Silvia Dello Russo: Sputnik
Guido Monte and Silvia Dello Russo try to describe the explosive and airy sense of poetic and linguistic blending, in the search for our collective roots and feelings. More...
A correction on Italy and the real problem with the eurozone, appreciation from Italy for Swans cosmopolitan message, and thoughts on the tragic development of Mediterranean migration. More...
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