by Jan Baughman
A Cartoon
(Swans - June 18, 2012)
by Jan Baughman
A Cartoon
(Swans - June 18, 2012)
![]() Next In Line? - © 2012 Jan Baughman |
There's little job security when it comes to being the Number 2 leader of al Qaeda, but despite the endless War on Terror, there doesn't appear to be a shortage of applicants (though if one believes the rhetoric, al Qaeda has been significantly weakened). The Number 1 seat, previously held by Osama bin Laden, was vacated on May 1, 2011, and his replacement, Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, is the last remaining person of interest on the Obama Hit List.
There's also no shortage of very old people, and the list is only growing despite the ongoing notable departures that make the headlines. It must be a daunting task to hold the title of World's Oldest Person, or Number 2 oldest, knowing that it's only a matter of time before you'll vacate the position and others will step in to replace you.
Whether it's the Number 2 leader of al Qaeda or the World's Oldest Person, someone is always waiting in the wings to take over the distinguished title. As the sayings go, records are made to be broken, and no one is indispensable...
Cast of Characters:
September 26, 2005
Abu Azzam
August 9, 2007
Qasem al-Raimi
August 19, 2008
Habib Mian, age 138
May 21, 2010
Sheikh Saeed al-Masri
November 4, 2010
Anne Eugénie Blanchard, age 114
January 31, 2011
Eunice Sanborn, age 115
April 14, 2011
Walter Breuning, age 114
June 21, 2011
Maria Gomes Valentim, age 114
August 22, 2011
Atiyah Abd al-Rahman
June 4, 2012
Abu Yahya al-Libi
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Jan Baughman on Swans -- with bio. She is Swans co-editor. (back)
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Swans -- ISSN: 1554-4915
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Published June 18, 2012