Perspectives: A Review of 2010
Arranged by Guido Monte
Multilingual Poetry
Research work and comments: Marilia Barreca, Egle Briulotta, Giuseppe Mavaro, Alessandro Tirrito (on Lettere contro la guerra, 2002), Irene Buffa, Gabriele De Bernardis, Marta La Pietra (on La fine è il mio inizio, 2004), Marta Bitonto (on Un altro giro di giostra, 2004), Ramona Roccamatisi (on Anam, il senzanome, 2004), Gabriele Serra (on Dentro di noi. Parlano i lettori di Tiziano Terzani, 2007)
![]() Tiziano © 2010 Viviana Di Miceli |
Mi chiedo, guardando le nostre mani,(Swans - December 13, 2010)
se è questo il conto che non torna,
se è questa la sabbia
che ingolfa la clessidra di Caino
("I wonder, looking at our hands,
if this one doesn't add up,
if this is the sand
that fills the Cain's hourglass")
—Manfredi Palacino
"It doesn't deal with justification, condemnation, but understanding. Understanding, because I am convinced that the problem of terrorism won't be resolved by killing the terrorists, but by eliminating the reasons that make them such"
"What is so frightful about death? The idea that frightens us so much, that freezes us at that moment, is to think that everything that we get involved with, will disappear. First of all the body. We made the body become an obsession"
"We must not get lost in talking about the fact that closing weapons factories will cause unemployment. Or do we just want to surrender to the fact that economy determines everything?
"I'm living now, here, with the feeling that the universe is extraordinary [...] and that life is a neverending discovery. And I feel especially lucky, because now, more than ever, each day is really another ride on a carousel
"There are some days in our life in which nothing happens, days that slip away without something to remember, not leaving a trace, as if they had hardly existed. Thinking about it more carefully, most days are like that, and only when the number of those that remain is very limited, we ask ourselves how it was possible to let them pass, casually, many of them. But we are made this way: Only later we appreciate what happened before, and only when something is in the past we become more aware of how it would be in the present. But it is no longer here"
"I liked to think that humanity's problems one day could be solved by a poets' conspiracy: a small group ready to take the fates of the world, because only poets, or people free to let their hearts fly, are able to be free with their imagination without the dullness of every day, are able to think differently. This is what we probably need nowadays: to think differently"
"The only true master of life is not in any forest, in any hut, in any ice cave of Himalaya... he is inside ourselves
Dear anam Tiziano, grazie to you and Shanti
Monte's students attend the Liceo Ginnasio Statale "G. Meli" of Palermo, Sicily, and sometimes help him to search for poetic words on the only Book ever written.
Monte thanks gratefully Annie Huth, Michelle Abbott and Giusy Chirco.
Picture: Tiziano (2010), Viviana Di Miceli.
For more about Tiziano Terzani, see Swans at:
See also Ode To Peace And Life; the introduction to Tiziano Terzani's Letters Against the War, by Gilles d'Aymery, Swans Commentary, September 8, 2008.
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About the Author
Guido Monte on Swans (with bio). Also, please check Guido's entry on Wikipedia. (back)