Archives by Date: 1997





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January February March April
May June July August
September October November December


January 1997

January 01 - 1997 Predictions - by Gilles d'Aymery
05 - And what else aren't we being told? - by Milo Clark
09 - The Magic of Revisionism - by Jan Baughman
11 - IF - A Poem by Rudyard Kipling
13 - Are There Ways to be Heard? - by Milo Clark
17 - Life and Death Choices - by Jan Baughman
20 - Hail to The Chief - by Gilles d'Aymery
23 - An Inaugural Anagram - by Jan Baughman
26 - Death and Life Choices - by Milo Clark
30 - Living with Necromimesis - by Jan Baughman

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February 1997

February 03 - Don't you see? - by Milo Clark
06 - The State of the Union - by Gilles d'Aymery
09 - Bon Mots, Ancient Words for Modern Life - by Carl Estersohn
11 - Am I Lost as a "Good Boy"? - by Milo Clark
14 - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - A Poem by T. S. Eliot
18 - A Reality Check - by Jan Baughman
21 - Drop Johnny Off Here - by Frank Wycoff
24 - Entitlement Reform: If not now, when? - by Lawrence Grello
27 - One More Clone Perspective - by Jan Baughman

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March 1997

March 02 - Entitlement Reform, If Not Now, When? A Second Opinion - by Gilles d'Aymery
05 - This Year's AAAS Propaganda Flurries or "Hello, Dolly!" - by Milo Clark
08 - Richard Cory - A Poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson
10 - Warning: this Article may be Morally Offensive - by Jan Baughman
13 - On Humanism - by Carl Estersohn
17 - Intelligent Design... Really? - by Gilles d'Aymery
20 - Superstitions to Fly By - by Jan Baughman
24 - Rupert Sheldrake rattles science's collective cages right good! - by Milo Clark
28 - On the Beach at Night Alone - A Poem by Walt Whitman
31 - Privacy, Please - by Jan Baughman

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April 1997

April 04 - Reach for the Stars - by Gilles d'Aymery
07 - Rancho Santa Fe Events... - by Milo Clark
10 - MAFD and the News - by Gilles d'Aymery
13 - Gingrich's sense of humor - by Gilles d'Aymery
16 - Walk Softly and Carry a Big Gun - by Jan Baughman
21 - Civil Disobedience (1849) - The Essay by Henry David Thoreau
26 - Believing is Seeing - by Jan Baughman
30 - The Ecology of Law and Order - by Gilles d'Aymery

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May 1997

May 04 - Parity in the Workplace - by Jan Baughman
07 - Buffalo Dreams - by Sean Laughney
10 - The Sheep Child - A Poem by James Dickey
12 - It's Spring: Time to Drive - by Gilles d'Aymery
15 - Frogs for Hire - by Jan Baughman
18 - Castration, Marriage & Punishment - by Sean Laughney
23 - Job Property Rights and the Magna Carta of 1215 C. E. - by Milo Clark
27 - Take Back Your Tired, Your Poor... - by Jan Baughman
30 - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - A Poem by T. S. Eliot

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June 1997

June 02 - The Last Romantics - by Gilles d'Aymery
05 - Politics for the Masses - by Jan Baughman
09 - Lowest Commonality - by Gilles d'Aymery
13 - Hold the Mayo - by Jan Baughman
16 - Another Assignment - by Gilles d'Aymery
19 - The "Flag Amendment" - by Gilles d'Aymery
23 - Every Second Counts - by Jan Baughman
26 - Cousteau - by Swans
27 - Tame the Junk Mail Monster - by Swans

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July 1997

July 1 - Stop the Insanity - by Jan Baughman
05 - An Independence Day Review - by Jan Baughman
11 - Mesmerized by the Weapons Mystique - by Mac Lawrence
21 - Summer Blues - by Gilles d'Aymery
27 - Truth, Justice and the American Way - by Jan Baughman

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August 1997

August 2 - Ready for a Little Polemics? - by Milo Clark
09 - Shooting the Messenger: Vonnegut, Schmich and the Internet - by Gilles d'Aymery
16 - A Worry of My Peers - by Jan Baughman
24 - Naked Jan, or How to Get Read on the Web - by Gilles d'Aymery
31 - A Facelift for Miss America - by Jan Baughman

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September 1997

September 7 - Love the Wild Swan - A Poem by Robinson Jeffers
10 - Untitled - by Swans
14 - Miss America, Miss Swans and Misleading Promises - by Jan Baughman
20 - The Limits of Generosity - by Gilles d'Aymery
28 - Re-Painting the Ceiling - by Jan Baughman

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October 1997

October 5 - The French Virus - by Gilles d'Aymery
12 - Making Promises You Can Keep - by Jan Baughman
19 - Tame the Junk Mail Monster - by Swans
26 - Did You Know? - by Gilles d'Aymery
30 - Funeral Blues - A Poem by W. H. Auden

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November 1997

November 2 - Who Are You Not to Be? - by Susan Mokelke
11 - The Last Word on Marches - by Jan Baughman
16 - The Iraqi Gordian Knot: Part I - The "Nightmare Scenario" - by Gilles d'Aymery
20 - The Iraqi Gordian Knot: Part II - "Errare Humanum Est" - by Gilles d'Aymery
23 - The Iraqi Gordian Knot: Part III - "No Alexander need apply" - by Gilles d'Aymery
28 - Speeding up Evolution - by Jan Baughman

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December 1997

December 6 - Septuplets Making Progress - by Jan Baughman
11 - News Watch - by Gilles d'Aymery
18 - Mud from a Mind Spring - by Swans
25 - Thanks and Wishes - by Gilles d'Aymery

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Created: December 26, 1996
Last Updated: April 7, 2000